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Visit the org headline from the attach dired buffer

I am a heavy heavy user of org-attach. Pretty much all my binary data from the last fifteen years live somewhere under ~/data/org-attach (set via org-attach-id-dir), further nested under the org headline ID. After experimenting with many ways to organize data, including tagsistant and other semantic filesystems, this is what stuck the best:

Make a headline in some of your org files (I have various files such as knowledgebase.org, bookmarks.org, movies.org, emacs.org, …), hit C-c C-a and attach the file to the "headline". To later search for it you can use all the powerful indexing and search facilities of org-mode. The whole directory is checked into git-annex and backed in various cloud providers and external drives.

I don't really care about where or how the data itself is stored and I treat the org-attach directory as an opaque "blob" store1. This works 99% of the time because I usually want to find the file where I have some vague semantic idea of what it is and usually find it via org interface and then open the attachment.

For the rare cases I can't figure out where I stored a file, I use the usual locate or find utilities. When I finally get to the dired buffer for this attachment, I usually want to visit its corresponding headline to either add more keywords or somehow make it easier to find this file again through the org interface.

So I wrote this simple utility function to jump back to the headline to edit it:

(defun my-org-attach-visit-headline-from-dired ()
  "Go to the headline corresponding to this org-attach directory."
  (let* ((id-parts (last (split-string default-directory "/" t) 2))
         (id (apply #'concat id-parts)))
    (let ((m (org-id-find id 'marker)))
      (unless m (user-error "Cannot find entry with ID \"%s\"" id))
      (pop-to-buffer (marker-buffer m))
      (goto-char m)
      (move-marker m nil)

Bind this to some free key in the dired mode map and you can jump back and forth with ease.



This really removed a lot of "create a perfect file hierarchy" anxiety that ultra-orderly people like me get all the time. I am no longer slave to the perpetual fine-tuning of what is nested where. The files on the disk are actually stored in a flat two-level hierarchy determined by some hash or uuid. This is great! And the semantics of what the file is and how to find it is delegated to org mode. This is even greater because its metadata are so much ritcher than what you can store in the file system itself.

Published at: 2023-02-08 16:03 Last updated at: 2023-02-08 16:03
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