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Save write-protected files with sudo automatically

It probably doesn't happen very often but sometimes you have to edit some root-owned configuration or files owned by other users (such as webservers). For those times, TRAMP is invaluable as it allows you to open files via sudo directly in Emacs.

The problem, of course, is that you open the file in read-only mode as you and only then realize that you don't have write access. One solution is to invoke C-x C-f and just append /sudo:: in front of the filename, but then… why do it yourself if Emacs can help!

When you open a file you can't write to Emacs is helpful enough and loads it in read-only-mode. Because you really want to edit the file, you disable the read-only-mode with C-x C-q and happily make your changes. When you hit save, however, Emacs will complain the file is write-protected and asks you if you are sure you want to do that. This is good as it prevents you from destroying the content by accident.

Normally, nothing would happen as you still don't have the permissions to change the file so the operation fails with operation not permitted error.

Here is where the advice comes handy. It catches the error and tries to save the file with sudo TRAMP method. After the file is saved, it is reverted back to "non-sudo" version so every one of your further edits would still require confirmation.

(defadvice basic-save-buffer-2 (around fix-unwritable-save-with-sudo activate)
  "When we save a buffer which is write-protected, try to sudo-save it.

When the buffer is write-protected it is usually opened in
read-only mode.  Use \\[read-only-mode] to toggle
`read-only-mode', make your changes and \\[save-buffer] to save.
Emacs will warn you that the buffer is write-protected and asks
you to confirm if you really want to save.  If you answer yes,
Emacs will use sudo tramp method to save the file and then
reverts it, making it read-only again.  The buffer stays
associated with the original non-sudo filename."
  (condition-case err
     (when (string-prefix-p
            "Doing chmod: operation not permitted"
            (error-message-string err))
       (let ((old-buffer-file-name buffer-file-name)
             (success nil))
               (setq buffer-file-name (concat "/sudo::" buffer-file-name))
               (setq success t))
           (setq buffer-file-name old-buffer-file-name)
           (when success
             (revert-buffer t t))))))))

This code doesn't work on remote hosts, so when you TRAMP over ssh you wouldn't be able to sudo-edit a remote file. If someone's interested I'll be happy to recieve a patch (or I will fix it when I will have the need). The code sits here so feel free to open a pull request.

Published at: 2017-04-20 19:48 Last updated at: 2023-02-08 16:00
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